Disclaimer & Explanation of Site


EscapefromHollywoood.com does not store any video files on its servers. Nor do we (EscapefromHollywood.com) reserve any rights to, or claim copyright to, any film names listed on these pages. All references are copyright to their respective owners.

Explanation of Beliefs and Proper Use

We see no problem in allowing our readers and contributors to provide external links to all sorts of content, even that which may only be rightfully downloaded by a limited number of individuals or corporations. By utilizing posted links the user is consenting that they own copyrighted content those links may contain. By using the site the user agrees to these terms.

The user therefore releases EscapefromHollywood.com of all liability in the event that using this site should result in him or her coming under legal action. Should you find a trademark belonging to you listed on the site, and having read our complete explanation above, still find our policies unreasonable, please contact us using the contact form.

Use the title “Copyright Issues”, and we’ll pay special attention to it, and discuss with you the proper action. Similar sites provide a simple process for proper owners of copyrighted material to have it removed from their servers, and we understand the need to supply the same for all materials appearing on this site.